06/06/2005, 04:38:26 PM CEST
Jan, you're right, looks like mine except for the the colors. :) I agree it is a good example app.05/20/2005, 02:59:19 PM CEST
Hallo Jan,02/01/2005, 09:05:29 AM CET
Hi Jan,12/09/2004, 09:43:05 PM CET
Hello:12/08/2004, 05:02:38 PM CET
wasndas hier;-)11/28/2004, 07:09:01 PM CET
ich suche jan schneider aus berlin,bist du es?susannepetter@web.de bitte benachrichten10/18/2004, 07:58:53 AM CEST
Good Job. Like the Horde project, especially IMP.10/09/2004, 08:46:37 PM CEST
Just surfing/catching up on the Horde front.09/20/2004, 05:04:56 PM CEST
your work is great, thanks.09/19/2004, 11:27:38 PM CEST
Bin ein HORDE Fan.