Horde Talk at FOSDEM 2005
Quite surprisingly I was invited to this year's FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium to give a Horde session in the PHP/PEAR Developers' Room

It came out of the blue when Pierre-Alain Joye asked me if didn't want to join this year's FOSDEM and give a Horde Talk in the PHP/PEAR Developers' Room.
It looks like this is happening now, I'll hold my session on Sunday from 9.00 - 10.00. I've never been at the FOSDEM but I heard a lot of good things about the past conferences. I will also be available for chatting at the early afternoon together with Marcus Börger, Pierre-Alain, Arnauld Limbourg, and Derick Rethans.
I'm not quite sure what exactly I'll be talking about. After a short introduction to the Horde Project and the Horde Application Framework for newbies, I can think of three interesting areas: installation and configuration of Horde and its applications; using the Horde Application Framework as a code library and for developing own web applications; introduction to the 45 Horde applications and how they interact with each other.
As the FOSDEM rather seems to be a developers' conference, I tend to the second option, the other two are more focused on administrators. If you are attending the conference, what would you like to listen to? Add your opinion below or send me a short mail.