Ingo H3 (1.0.2), Mnemo H3 (2.0.2) and Chora H3 (2.0.1) released

The latest versions of the Horde Email Filter Rules Manager Ingo H3 (1.0.2), the Horde Notes and Memos Application, Mnemo H3 (2.0.2), and the Horde Repository Viewer, Chora H3 (2.0.1) have been released.

The Horde Team is pleased to announce the final release of the Chora Repository Viewer version H3 (2.0.1).

Chora is built upon the Horde Application Framework and provides a read-only browser interface to any number of version control repositories. Advanced features include a visual branch view of the repository's history, pretty-printed output, annotation, patchsets and basic statistics.

Major changes compared to the Chora version H3 (2.0.1-RC1) are:

Major changes compared to the Chora version H3 (2.0) are:

The Horde Team is pleased to announce the final release of the Mnemo Note Manager version H3 (2.0.2).

The Mnemo Note Manager is the Horde notes/memos application. It provides web-based notes and freeform text, similar to the PalmOS Note application and shared notepads. It requires the Horde Application Framework and an SQL database for backend storage.

Major changes compared to the Mnemo version H3 (2.0.2-RC1) are:

Major changes compared to the Mnemo version H3 (2.0.1) are:

The Horde Team is pleased to announce the final release of the Ingo Email Filter Rules Manager version H3 (1.0.2).

Ingo is an email-filter management application. It is fully internationalized, integrated with Horde and the IMP Webmail client, and supports both server-side (Sieve, procmail) and client-side (IMAP) rule creation.

Major changes compared to the Ingo version H3 (1.0.2-RC1) are:

Major changes compared to the Ingo version H3 (1.0.1) are: