IMP H3 (4.1.1) and Kronolith H3 (2.1.1) released

New versions of IMP and Kronolith have been released, with a few bug fixes and some interesting improvements. Kronolith has received some improvements in the free/busy code and meeting planning.
More interesting are the additions to IMP especially the long requested feature of a preferred character set for reading emails, which is important for every mail user of the non-ascii hemisphere. Lots of mailers, especially newsletter systems and poorly coded mail clients, send non-ascii messages without specifying the used charset in the message header (or mime part). These messages have been displayed broken in IMP, because RFCs say that such messages have to be considered as ASCII messages, but converting them from ASCII to UTF-8 (the charset we usually use in the Horde user interfaces) doesn't work. Users can now set a preference in IMP to no longer assume that these messages are ASCII, but in the preferred character set of their region instead, for example Western European, or Japanese.

Major changes compared to the IMP H3 (4.1) version are:

Major changes compared to the Kronolith H3 (2.1) version are: