New Digicam

I just bought a new (actually my first) digital camera, a Canon Powershot A80.

This is a self-portrait of my brand new Canon PowerShot A80. Yeah, I know, the photo isn't very sharp, but it was taken without flash in a rather dark room through a mirror. So much for the excuses.
I always wanted to buy a digicam for the last few months but it never was such a pressing need that I actually bought one. But recently my old SLR companion, a Minolta X-700 silently died an electronic death, *sniff*, and I decided that the time had come.

It took me about a month and a nice pile of test reports to decide which one to buy. I wanted a camera that could at least partially replace my old reflex camera in terms of quality and flexibility without costing more than 400 EUR. My favourite was the Olympus Camedia C-5060 Wide Zoom, but that one was still too expensive. The Minolta DiMAGE Z1 was also very interesting, but I finally decided for the Canon because it was available for 317 EUR at my local dealer and had the best test results and the most interesting features.

So expect a few more pictures and photos on my site in the future, I finally arrived in the 21st century.